Fascinating to see what books are actually selling right now:
* Amazon.com: Top Sellers in Business and Investing. Of the 10 top books, 7 are about getting rich quick, 1 is about leadership (Jim Collins), 2 are about specific industries (baseball and fast food) and 1 is about dealing with life change. Not surprising, investing is far more interesting than business.
* “Amazon on Marketing and Sales books”:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/new-for-you/top-sellers/-/books/2698/ref=pd_ts_b_nav/104-6601881-3282336. 1 is on customer service, 1 is the tipping point (chaos theory), 2 is generalist texts by Phil Kotler, 2 on positioning, 2 on sales, 1 on international, 1 is on consumer behavior. Quite a spread
“NY Times Business Best Sellers”:http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/11/books/bestseller/200401besthardbusiness.html?ex=1074834000&en=20defa848936c042&ei=5070. (free registration required). We have again quite a mix: 2 self-help books, 4 famous people books, 1 get rich quick, 1 HR, 1 case studies.
# THE PRESENT, by Spencer Johnson. (Doubleday, $19.95.) An inspirational parable about the search for happiness and success at work and in life. (New to list, bulk orders)
# IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLD, by Robert E. Rubin and Jacob Weisberg. (Random House, $35.) A political memoir, combined with economic analysis, by a secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton administration. (New to list)
# MONEYBALL, by Michael Lewis. (Norton, $25.95.) How Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland Athletics, produces a successful team despite having one of the smallest payrolls in baseball. (7 last month)
# WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? by Spencer Johnson. (Putnam, $19.95.) A management expert offers techniques for dealing with change in the workplace. (bulk orders, 3 last month)
# THE GREAT UNRAVELING, by Paul Krugman. (Norton, 425.95.) A volume of essays, most from the The New York Times, that are “mainly about economic disapointment, bad leadership and the lies of the powerful.” (4 last month)
# HEGEMONY OR SURVIVAL, by Noam Chomsky. (Metropolitan, $22.) The price for America’s “imperial strategies” for economic and political global dominance over world resources. (new to list)
# THE CREATIVE HABIT, by Twyla Tharp. (Simon & Schuster, $25.) The choreographer provides a practical approach to achievement, including turning ideas into products, notions into deals, through lessons learned in the peforming arts. (new to list)
# GOOD TO GREAT, by Jim Collins. (HarperBusiness, $27.50.) Why some companies thrive and others do not. (2 last month, 2 last month)
# TOTAL MONEY MAKEOVER, by Dave Ramsey. (Thomas Nelson, $24.99. ) How to pay off debts and build a nest egg. (bulk buys, new to list)
# NOW DISCOVER YOUR STRENGTHS, by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton. (Free Press, $26.) How to identify and develop your talents and those of your employees. (9 last month, very close to previous)
# EXECUTION, by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan. (Crown Business, $27.50.) Closing the gap between vision and results in the workplace. (bulk orders, 5 last month)
# FISH, by Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul and John Christensen. (Hyperion, $19.95.) A manager’s guide to morale boosting in the workplace. (very close to previous, 10 last month)
# FINANCIAL RECKONING DAY, by Bill Bonner with Addison Wiggin. (Wiley, $27.95) How to protect investments in a deflationary depression economy due to an aging population and a swing back from the recent financial booms. (1 last month)
# THE 11TH ELEMENT, by Robert Scheinfeld. (Wiley, $24.95.) In this manual, the key to wealth and success involves consulting with your “inner CEO.” (new)
# *THE INNOVATOR’S SOLUTION, by Clayton M. Christensen and Michael E. Raynor. (Harvard Business School Press, $29.95.) Strategies that help companies “grow” new businesses. (8 last month, bulk buys)
3 responses to “Amazon Sales Categories on Business”
Great questions, Stephen. Sorry for not replying earlier.
Short points:
1. A company blog. I think this depends on your definition, but I’ll define it to mean that the company sanctions and is therefore stands behind the comments made in a blog. There are actually very few of these. Most blogs actually represent individual POVs, rather than corporate ones. So for instance, http://geekfishing.net, is done by us folks over at Ignition, but doesn’t represent Ignitions views, just our personal ones. The main use I’ve seen for company blogs have been for internet companies to announce things. A good example is http://movabletype.org which is a great blog for great blog software đ
2. Personal blog. In terms of technology for operating a blog. There are a bunch of folks who offer this as a free service (isn’t the Internet great). Try http://blogger.com as one. That’s the first one I tried. Very easy to get started. Then as you get deeper into it, there are more complex software like Movable Type that I actually use here.
You’re right, John. Frankly, I don’t know anyone who reads lots of business books. A few break through, but I’ve always wondered who really reads these things anyway.
personally i’ve given up on business books. they all should be about 15 pages long. the other 250 pages are filler.