Buttons don’t work for some functions. _Wow, this is a case where tech support really does work. Sent a note to the folks at sixapart because I couldn’t get some things to work, quite a subtle bug and hard to find since this help item isn’t indexed well and I was sure where to look._
bq. Question: Whenever I click certain buttons in the interface, such as the Delete button, nothing happens, and I also see a Javascript error.
bq. Answer: Many of the functions in 3.0 are controlled by the mt.js file. Make sure you have uploaded this file to your server in ASCII mode, and to the location you have designated for your static files.
The confusing thing about it is that by default most FTP clients will think a *.js file is binary and then the javascript in it won’t work. Also explains why when you compare files, everything looks right, that is the file length of mt.js is the same and most important the actual offending MovableType page is the same because it is mt.js which is called.
Final amazing thing is that the email stream I had with the person at sixapart.com, Sarah was at 10PM and she answered within seconds. Thanks Sarah!
Also, she mentioned that if you have more problems, make sure the *.tmpl files go up as Ascii too.

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