Katrina Images

In this new world of images, everything is online. A quick search for Katrina shows just the most incredible analysis of what happened. One case where google is just amazing in finding interesting sites when looking for google:”katrina images”:
* “Digital Globe”:http://www.digitalglobe.com/katrina_gallery.html. Many of googles images come from there, their presentation is particularly good showing the differences on August 31 when the levees collapsed
* “NOAA”:http://alt.ngs.noaa.gov/katrina/KATRINA0000.HTM has some really raw footage that is very interesting.
* “Global Security”:http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/new-orleans-imagery.htm. They took Digital Globe images and put in animated GIFs so you really see the changes starkly.
As always, if you want to give to Katrina evacuees, then, as usual a blog seems to be the best place to find them all thanks to “Instapundit”:http://instapundit.com/archives/025235.php

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