2GB DDR Kits

AnandTech: FAST 2GB DDR Kits – Part 2. Well it has been along time in coming, but we are finally at the point where you can get 2GB on your machine with a pair of 1GB memory. Good for really memory hungry games.

The recommendation is for the OCZ 2GB PC4000 from “part 1”:http://www.anandtech.com/memory/showdoc.aspx?i=2560 but this costs almost double at $400 according to pricegrabber compared to about $230 for cheaper 1GB pieces.

They really like the “Mushkin Redline XP4000”:http://anandtech.com/memory/showdoc.aspx?i=2676&p=8 which you can get direct or from newegg.com and these are also $380 “direct”:http://mushkin.com/doc/products/memory/extreme_performance.asp?id=&size=0, so quite a bit to swallow, although they overclock very fast.

I’m Rich & Co.

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