!http://a1472.g.akamaitech.net/f/1472/124/4h/img.ebags.com/is/image/im5/50645_1_1?&op_sharpen=1&qlt=80,1&hei=249&wid=249!:http://www.ebags.com/eagle_creek/0_50_transformer/product_detail/index.cfm?modelid=50645. I wish I had this right now. It is a very small transformer that takes 220 and makes it 110V. Everything I own *except* for my Philips Ultrasonic toothbrush is 120-220V. Philips, get a clue. Otherwise, get this $15 thing. If you buy two from eBags, you even get free shipping.

Eagle Creek 0-50 Transformer > Travel Accessories > Travel Accessories – eBags

Eagle Creek 0-50 Transformer. Steps down foreign voltage (220-240V) to a North American (110/125V) current for use with electronic appliances such as; shavers, battery chargers, curling irons, and other 110V electric appliances between 0-50 watts.

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