
Cowboy Frank”. Here are his current best products:

* “Logitech Quickcam Fusion”: $99 list. His choice for the best overall camera. This uses USB 2.0 and has a 1.3 megapixel imager.
* “Logitech Quickcam for NOtebooks Pro. $99 list. His choice for best notebook. It is very compact with just a 640×480 imager, so its stills aren’t as clear as the fusion, but it is smaller. It is also very compact but did note it does get hot, so if you are completely portable it might run down the battery

“Cnet”: also has a set of reviews of their typical (e.g., mediocre) quality. Here are the ones that they liked which interestly matches what cowboy frank thinks:

_I bought both the Quickcam Fusion and the Notebook Fusion. They are expensive, but they work great. The microphone on them is very good and the picture quality quite good. Skype has very jerky images, but that’s to be expected for a free service. I wouldn’t use for business, but for personal use it is great._

* “Logitech QuickCam Fusion”:  7.6/10. $80 street. It has a really neat look to it and it can fit on top of any LCD or laptop but they did find it kind of unstable. As with most of these products, it can do 1.3 megapixel stills but video is always 640x480x30 frames per second. It has a built in microphone too. “Pricegrabber”:,__11717974/sort_type=bottomline has it for $76. “Newegg”: has it right now with a $20 mail in rebate so it is $55!
* “Logitech QuickCam for NOtebooks Deluxe”: . 7.3/10. It only works really on laptop or very think LCD monitors. Its built in mike works up to three feet away and works pretty well. “Pricegrabber”:,__11717973/sort_type=bottomline also has this for $75.
* “Creative Live Cam Voice”: 7.2/10 stars. This thing is kind of huge, but it has nice auido features. The thing is really quite big but it has this Webcam center software and has a 1.3 mp imager. The big feature is a built-in Mike that can record normal conversation 20 feet away so it is really good for teleconferences as a result. Street is $90.
* “Logitech QuickCam Pro 5000”: 7.0/10 which is clunkier looking than the QuickCam Fusion and has lower resolution. Main thing is that it is cheap at a $80 list, $50 street

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