Hat tip to Abel for this one, as I ride the bus more, here is a great way to see where the buses are in real time:
“Mybus”:http://mybus.org is the top level page. Plug in a route number, get a list of all major stops for the route, then select your stop. I’ve bookmarked the following for the number 2 bus in seattle “http://mybus.org/metrokc/route.jsp?route=2”:http://mybus.org/metrokc/route.jsp?route=2
Each stop has a site ID, which can be used in a text messages, e.g., 3rd and Pike, send ‘2@316’ to ‘sms@mybus.org’ and await the txt response. Pretty useful tool!
Or you for instance 2@3916 which is at the end of the line “http://mybus.org/metrokc/avl.jsp?id=3913”:http://mybus.org/metrokc/avl.jsp?id=3913