It’s voting day in the US. Returning to another passion (beside travel and building companies), here is the vocabulary for voting

| 简体| pin1 yin1 拼音 | English |
| 奥巴马 | ao4 ba1 ma3 | Barack Obama |
| 拜登 | bai4 deng1 | Joe Biden |
| 卖凯恩 | mai4 kai3 en1 | John McCain |
| 莎拉 佩林 | sha1 la1 pei4 lin2 | Sarah Palin |
| 投票| tou2 piao4 | to vote |
| 票 | piao4 | a vote (but also a ticket or a bank note) |
| 赞同 | zan4 tong2 | to vote for or endorse |
| 选票 | xuan3 piao4 | a ballot |
| 投票站| tou2 piao4 zhan4 | polling station |
| 表决权 | biao3 jue2 quan4 | right to vote |
| 支持度 | zhi1 chi2 du4 | percentage of the vote |
| 投了票 | tou4 le piao4 | I voted |
| 提前投票 | ti2 qian2 tou2 piao4 | early vote |
| 白票| bai2 piao4 | literally white vote or abstention |
| 公民表决 | gong1 min2 biao3 jue2 | public referendum |

So some usage:
I went to the polling station at 7AM.

I’m Rich & Co.

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