There are really too many, many choices right now in fonts. We’ve moved far beyond Helvetica and Times. For a while I was an Arial and Times New Roman fan because they looked like those famous fonts, but didn’t have the licensing problems.
And there was a period where I just loved Garamond and Baskerville for their old feel
Then in my startup in investment days, I couldn’t get enough of:
- Calabri designed expressly for Office 2007
- Futura. A bold look from the 1930s. It has that Bauhaus look.
Then for a while I was big on the newish fonts. Google Slides has a great collection of templates that reminded me of the whole wide world that are now Google Fonts. Here are some new favorites that I haven’t used much, but here are some popular ones:
- Lato. This is a new font that is super popular. Modern looking.
- Franklin Gothic. An old font, but looks great, designed starting in 1902
- Roboto. This is what Android uses as its default font. Like Open Sans, it has a fresh modern look.
- Merriweather. A new font by Eben Sorkin.
Then some unusual ones
- IM Fell. These are really beautiful fonts from the 17th century Oxford. They make a document look chiseled. A specialty font, but kind of cool to use them in their original sizes. These fonts were originally hand cut type, so truly old school.
- IBM Plex. This actually won the Typography Design Competition last year. They got IBM out of millions of dollars of royalties.
- Nordvest. Wow really different looking, has a really different feel to it. For friendly documents 🙂
- Bitter. This is a font designed just for computers.