tech: 1Password for Safari hang

Wow, what a strange problem. 1Password has been pretty reliable for me and the Safari extension has never given trouble, but two days ago, I got to the point where Safari would open, then the keyboard would lock and the Safari menu bar changed to the 1Password menu items. Very strange.

I don’t know what happened, but the solution wasn’t easy to find, I ended up doing:

  1. Reboot the system. This didn’t help although the system extension cache had to get rebuilt. i don’t think this was the problem since 1Password doesn’t use it.
  2. Then I removed the 1Password for Safari extension by going to Safari > Settings > Extensions > 1Password and then when you click Uninstall, you get a message to delete in Finder.
  3. I did a reboot. Still no joy. Then I had the genius idea to remove all other extensions as maybe there was a conflict. Didn’t work. Another reboot
  4. Finally, I noticed that when the 1Password menu comes up if you hit Exit enough times, then the Safari menu comes up.
  5. Finally, went to the 1Password for Mac applications and in Settings > Browser, I saw that “Conenct with 1Password in the browser” was unchecked. That was strange, but I checked it again
  6. And suddenly it works.

I think some upgrade of 1Password for Mac broke the browser compatibility, you are warned.

I’m Rich & Co.

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