tel: T-Mobile to US Mobile porting and Warp to Darkstar transfer

Well, we are about half T-Mobile and half US Mobile now and here are some things to know. When you are porting, make sure you figure out turning off porting protection.

  1. Go to a T-mobile line and choose Account > Line > Port Out Protection and turn it off
  2. Then go to Profile > Line Settings > Request Transfer Pin . They will text the primary account holder and then you will get it
  3. Go to US Mobile > Add a Line > Pick a Plan and then enter the T-Mobile account and transfer pin and wait as it says Activating
  4. Note that most of the time the activation doesn’t go away you have to hit enter to make it work
  5. You will then get a QR code for the phone at the bottom of the screen and you scan it and the phone will activate

Transferring between networks

One cool thing is that you can pick Verizon (Warp), AT&T (Dark Star) and T-Mobile (Lightspeed). Dark Star is best for international and Warp for US coverage and a free Apple Watch:

  1. This is actually not to complicated, but there is one magical step, choose swap network
  2. There will be a delay of multiple minutes and then it will say activation complete.
  3. The confusing thing is that the activation isn’t done, you need to go to your email and look for a QR code, this will give you a new e-sim on the new network
  4. There will be a good long wait and I found that the website doesn’t update, you have to hit enter a bunch.
  5. You have to disable the old one which will likely say Verizon if it is Warp and then activate the new one for AT&T aka Dark Star.

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