For a long time I’ve wondered how Google Drive does it, no matter how many Google Slides I store with no matter how many images, the storage count against me is always 137 bytes or something. They only count the pointer and not the storage.
I woke up this morning to the warning, “you are using 60GB of your 17GB allocation”, you have to buy Google One!
So wondering what was going on what I found was that my previously tiny Google Slides were not 200MB plus in size. Not surprising given the JPEGs in them and much closer to what Microsoft PowerPoint says they are.
So be warned, if you get this warning that’s whats happening. Another sign that the days of Internet for free are disappearing. What are your alternatives:
- Well, you can always pay the $2/month ransom for 100GB. That is a crazy price to pay in some respects (except that Apple charges $1/month for 50GB) and they are now the same $10/2TB or $37 for Apple One which includes 2TB.
- Download them to your computer if you have room and then back them up with BackBlaze for$99/year for unlimited (so you can backup everything you own which is way more than 2TB I’m pretty sure for $8.75 per month.
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