dev: ubuntu 22.04 google chrome and asdf strangeness

Well, asdf, direnv and the plug asdf-direnv are wonderful when they work, but very mysterious when they don’t. As of today, you need to use my build of asdf-direnv and you also have to do some work to setup it up if you are on a out of date Linux Ubuntu box.

Here are the quick notes on getting this running. We have not run this machine in a year, so not suprisingly quite a few things broke.

Google Chrome, Remote Desktop and CLI repositories not signed

The first problem is that when trying to do the Software Updater, it complained about signing problems. The way to fix this is to go to /apt/sources/list and just remove all the things named google and this seemed to help.

Brew installation and changing the ws to wsu

I broke lots of things this way, but basically I went through the home directory with a ls -la looking for broken links. I also found them in ./config/thefuck settings and also inside of asdf itself, there were a bunch.

The updating is pretty simple once you do that brew upgrade gives you brew packages and snap has the same and then you have to do a apt upgrade as well. I did have trouble with some packages that got stuff, so for instance, pydocstyles, pyyaml went obsolete so I had to apt remove them. And then openssl@1 got unstuck when I removed pydocstyles.

Reinstalling direnv

You have to remove asdf plugin remove direnv and then add mine in asdf plugin add direnv and then you have to run asdf cmd direnv setup zsh latest and asdf cmd direnv setup bash latest again so that the right direnv is visible and there are correction inside ~/.asdf itself because there are hard links there to the rigth version of direnv.

Getting use the shortcuts again

OK, I have to relearn again, but CTRL-V, CTRL-P is past not Command-V and Command-P. And closing a window is CTRL-W and not option

You only get half panes sharing with Command-Right and Left arrow. and Control-Option-Left and right get you to new workspaces on the same monitor. By the way they call Command on a Mac keyboard, the Super key.

Then to get a list of applications it is Super-A or Command-A which is closest to the search I use all the time.

To throw a window to a different monitor it is SHIFT-SUPER-Left or right arrow. If you want to throw it to another workspace on the same monitor it is SHIFT-SUPER-Page up and Down.

But i definitely miss Rectangle although Gnome-Shell Extension manager helps. Really for this keyboard, you kind of want CTRL moved to where the Command key is the mac for the copy and paste stuff.

Note that Command or Super by itself will give you the Expose equivalent mode so you can look at all the window and Super Tab does the same while ALT-TAB gives you the traidtional view.

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