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Tong Family
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apps: The confusion that is between Microsoft Alumni 365 and Xbox Live
blog: Auto posting to other social media
DT1: Deon and Tong Pipelines RUs!
ops: Push to Netlify with multiple private submodules using a “dummy” user
Pod: Tweaks and edits for podcasts on MacOS
pt2: What’s all this about 100B years?
edc: Of pens and pencils, Rotring 600, Pilot C743 FA Extended Feed, and C823 FA dreams
travel: Hotel bonuses through portals and then offers
health: Water Flossers
sh: split a file rocks
PT1. Podcasts are back: Our Robot Overlords are here
pod: Making a Vlog and Podcast with Zoom Immersive, Final Cut Pro editing and Anchor hosting, WordPress connection
sec: Using Yubikey Security Keys waiting for the C Bio Fido Edition
Mac: Freezing, hash mismatch, after Open Core Legacy Patcher and Atmos
fit: Heart Rate Monitor Arm Bands
pod: The start of a new Podcast and random YouTube topics
cable: USB 4 vs Thunderbolt 4 and Charge Display Latest notes
masto: Understanding and managing Mastodon with multiple accounts and Mac Sengi
mac: Using USB Drive for git, HDHomeRun weather dependencies, OCLP fails, Backblaze bloat, git lfs pointers but not, Apple Photos sync fail, Synology USB Copy fail
mobile: Getting Google Pixels on U.S. Mobile
mac: HP Color LaserJet Pro M479 printing fails
read: Great Podcasts and books from 2022
mac: Keyboard shortcuts and navigation with Rectangle
photo: Open Source Camera Tools Darktable, RawTherapee and moving to AVIF
home: Broke HDHomeRun, Strange @ behavior with iMessages, Backblaze, and Homebrew
Health: getting enough sleep
av: Blu-ray Handbrake backup at RF18 and Naming conventions for Kodi movies and TV shows
net: To 1.4Gbps and Beyond (without Link Aggregation)
tv: Best 4K HDR Atmos Movies
Car: argh done get a flat tire with a Tesla with these things!
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