I’ve been using Unify for home installations for a while now, so here are some notes on how to use them:

  1. Do not just hit the buttons willy nilly. Some like UAPSD can cause big problems as the Wifi access points power down.
  2. The admin console is pretty nontraditional, basically, you have a dedicated machine which manages all the access points. (Remember this stuff is designed for enterprises). This machine runs a little web server, so you access it via that (you can also tunnel through via the Ubiquiti cloud service to get to it). For most mortals, these are so robust, I just configure it at home and then plug it in at the remote site. If you remote home ever wants to manage it, they can adopt it if I send them the password (please do securely via iMessage or WhatsApp)
  3. The interface itself is even more confusing because the main configuration information is in the gear settings, you care about a few things like WLAN network, you can have a host of SSIDs that represent a single logical LAN. This is useful if you want your company devices to just work on your home network.

I’m Rich & Co.

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