WWW.K-LITE.TK – KaZaA Lite. KaZaA & KaZaA Lite Add-ons
FastTrack Accelerator – Attempts to “find more sources” for idling downloads on your KaZaA & KaZaA Lite “Transfers” list. The FastTrack Accelerator seeks out other KaZaA users sharing the same file and attempts to download immediately. By using this tool, you’ll notice every file you attempt to download, downloads!
Using the FastTrack Accelerator, you can find rare files easier and more effectively then other file sharing programs. If you use KaZaA Lite, the FastTrack Accelerator IS A MUST!!!.
After using FastTrack Accelerator (a.k.a. Speedup) for a couple days, I found every file I had in queue was downloaded. Every time I use KaZaA Lite & Speedup, I successfully download all of my requested files, which is a surprise to me. Usually I can get about 60-85% of my downloads to complete overnight.
To configure KaZaA or KaZaA Lite to have a MAX search result of 400, follow these easy instructions.
1. Run regedit – Goto the start menu and select “run” and enter regedit
2. Goto: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Kazaa/Advanced 3. Open MaxSearchResult
4. Enter Value Data as 190

8 responses to “WWW.K-LITE.TK – KaZaA Lite. KaZaA”

  1. pawel Avatar
  2. James Avatar

    Look at KazaaLiteDownloadSite.com for 100% uptime downloads!

  3. lakisha Avatar

    i want to know more about how to download music

  4. ShadowX Avatar

    When change XP register to fast loaded?
    I’am loaded monkey software.

  5. matthew E. cannon Avatar
    matthew E. cannon

    I have downloaded music using
    Kaaza: what do I click on to burn the music from my harddrive to a cd?

  6. matthew E. cannon Avatar
    matthew E. cannon

    I have downloaded music using
    Kaaza: what do I click on to burn the music from my harddrive to a cd?

  7. craig Avatar

    got any new tunes?

  8. Diego Avatar

    hola me llamo Diego Cuadra vivo en managua
    tengo 17 a?os de edad no se como hablar por no se si hablas espa?ol si hablas engligh

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