I’ve been using Mac OS X for a while now. Finally getting used to it. Main issue is that Entourage seems very slow and also seems to crash.
* “Entourage Unexpected Quits”:http://www.macfixitforums.com/php/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=OfficeX&Number=370362&page=19&view=collapsed&sb=1&o=&fpart=1. Another in a series of great errors messages. Have this with both Entourage and Ecto (a offline blog editor). Seems like the equivalent of app hang, but there don’t seem to be any user accessible diagnostics. Happens whenever I try to browse contacts or calendar entries. There is a magic entry with Entourage, hold the option key down when you start it and you get the rebuild database options (why isn’t this a menu somewhere, maybe a Mac convention).
* Ecto unexpectely quits. Still need to research this one. I’m sorry it was unexpected ;-}
8 responses to “Entourage Problems”
i am having really weird dramas with entourage. i am a mac user with OS 10. when sending emails with attachments sometimes it will replace one or more of my attachments with weird text files that aren’t actually on my hard-drive! the email in my sent folder shows all the right attachments but when it reaches the recipient it has the weird files…can anyone help me? is this a virus or some weird thing with the software…and are their any solutions to fixing it?

i am having really weird dramas with entourage. i am a mac user with OS 10. when sending emails with attachments sometimes it will replace one or more of my attachments with weird text files that aren’t actually on my hard-drive! the email in my sent folder shows all the right attachments but when it reaches the recipient it has the weird files…can anyone help me? is this a virus or some weird thing with the software…and are their any solutions to fixing it?

We have migrated over to OSX just recently.
Many problems on the MAC, including Microsofts converted software from Outlook to Entourage. Many critical problems such as not being able to enter a calendar event [ seems to be a problem with date / timezone – auto changes dates to earlier event date].
I would think Microsoft would have converted software better.
I have a more serious problem. Three times in the last year Entourage has greeted me with the “Welcome to Entouage”, having erased all my emails, address book, and folders. Is this common? Anyway to find these lost emails?
Thanks! That “Option” on startup solved my problem…a very weird thing where my messages disapeared and were replaced by faint lines, and an error message.
Thank you for the rebuild option!!!!
Never did find a resolution to this, so I just switched to a different email frontend. I lost calendaring and contact sync as a result.
For just pure mail, I’ve been using “Thunderbird”:http://mozilla.org and its been great. Also cross platform. The embedded Mac Mail is also pretty good. Much, much faster which is the main benefit.
I actually now think many of the problems are with Exchange 5.5 and its IMAP support. I’ve noticed that with either Thunderbird or the OSX Mail client, I’ll often get IMAP hangs for hours at a time.
What did you finally do. I am having the same problem. Makes me want to switch email programs. Any suggestions?
I was delighted to find the above information. It did not work for me. My problem is whenever I click on send and receive the grey wheel starts to spin and quickly freezes and I get the window saying that entourage has unexpectedly quit. I’v thrown out preferences and tried the rebuilding of the database described above. still no luck