Tour de France is here!

Well, its Tour de France time and the fever over here is high. Lots of bikers hanging out here. Here are some great places to look by google pagerank:
* “Official TdF site”: The official site. Wow, it all begins this Saturday if you can believe it! This site is great for the official results.
* “Internet TdF”: Sort of like fantasy baseball, predict who you think will win.
* Tour de France 2004. Got to pump the blog version of the news. A good example of how blogging fits events like this well. Note the use of both google ads and blogads as well. It’s amazing that this is essentially now the site above Velonews and other well known sites. The power of blogging strikes!
* “Velonews”: Great coverage from Velonews and format similar to the official TdF site.

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