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tech: Easy tips on listening to Audiobooks
tech: New 32″ monitor? waiting for next Apple Cinema Display…
web: I Love Fedistar for a Mac Mastodon clients
vid: Great Final touches on Final Cut Pro with Faux HDR, Voice Isolation and De-ess in Final Cut Pro
wp: Unexpected a Theme can break redis object cache and debug cross-posting
wp: So happy, now adding back in Mastodon plugins
wp: Great! All-in-one SEO plugin conflict causes 10x more CPU
RT5: Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3… Restart Podcast now!
pod: Restarting Podcasts with How to use FCP and OBS
wp: Hanging at 70-90%, so try plugin deactivation
wp: Be sad, WordPress is 100% CPU and how to fix
nas: Expert tips on Synology RS2423+ and Snapshot Replication
pod: Stupid! Rode NT-1A backward for 3 years
Obs: Great Audio from Shure VP83F on Sony A7R3 and Rode NT-1A with FocusRite Scarlett to OBS
blog: Testing Activitypub reblogging
wp: Does ActivityPub makes no difference and what about analytics
wp: Performance tuning continues of Pagespeed and Instagram Widgets
Mac: Buying a MacBook Air for a regular user 2023
blog: Conversion to Hugo, Netlify, Decap and Cloudinary, and WordPress fix with Super Cache
Mac: When your disk is full what to do
tech: Make sure to add Family Sharing when you buy iCloud+
vid: Title Colors and Portrait Videos in Slide shows
wp: Server down Mysql binlog overflow
photo: Darktable tips and tricks
web: Using Figma with existing Tailwind.js sites
tech: Synology Deleting Files and Shared Folders tips
Mac: Dozer, Bartender, and Menu Bar cleanup
Mac: OLCP Update, Sticky Trackpad and Bartender vs Dozer
tech: NordVPN Threat Protection off when using ChatGPT history
tech: Synology RS2423+ Drive Screws needed and SSDs
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